Hi, I'm Louis.

I am a

I am a passionate computer science enthusiast who is constantly pushing himself to achieve more by constanty learning and challenging himself with new projects.

About Me

I am currently a sophomore at Boston University, pursuing a B.A. in Computer Science. My whole life I've been in love with creating things, whether it was lua based Roblox games, or simple HTML & CSS websites, I have always been involved with coding in some capacity. With more knowledge at my finger tips now, I have been non-stop creating, all of which you can see down below in my projects section.

When I'm not building or creating you can find me either in the gym or in nature. I have a passion for exercising, whether it is out on a hike or in the gym going for a new PR, you can count me in!


Ocean Blue


Roommate App

Brighter Days

Long Distance

Date Planner

Ocean Blue

Tech Lead

Led a team student driven software engineering team to create an app for nonprofit Ocean Blue. We used React Native with Expo as the primary frontend framework, in conjunction with a Node and Express backend. Along with leading, I also took part in primarily developing the backend functionality of the app.

React Native






Did I catch your eye?

I love to meet people, so feel free to send a quick message and maybe one day we can work together! If the form to your right isn't your thing, heres my email!


Contact me!
